The Name Jehovah is a bogus name. I know I will get bagged for this one, especially on this site. But here goes. The Bible I believe is the word of God. But I also realize it has been tampered with. King James for one, and the WTBT$ for another, namely Fred Franz. The issue has always been about worship, not universal sovereignty ! If it were about sovereignty then Satan would not of obeyed Gods words and KILLED Job!!!!!. Satan had to obey God.
Issue settled.
Its about WORSHIP. To quote the NWT since this is the Bible we are most familar with, Isaiah 14:14 says " I shall go up above the high places of the clouds, I shall make myself resemble the Most High." Cross reference these scriptures and the surrounding scriptures you will see they all relate to Satan. From the beginning It has been about worship, Satan said to Eve, " Is it really so?" " you will not Die" Since that point mankind has been very conflicted as who to worship. the Nation of Israel failed many times in regards to worship. When Satan tempted Jesus, It was about worship!!
Fast forward to the Catholic Monk. He uses Elohim and Adonai and Invents Jehovah!!!. King James inserts it into his version, only in a couple places. Throughout history it has not gained recognition, Satan is sad. So now he gets the WTBTS to re-issue a bible and guess what, he gets what he wants all the prayers!!! Just imagine all those who have died ignorant about the name Jehovah, all those of us who have left the WTBT$ prayed to that name, and yet those still praying to that name. Satan has fulfilled scripture, He has resembled the Most High, and that is what Satan has wanted from the very beginning!!
We are living in the age of Apostasy, which indicates there is no true religion leading to God as we have all seen. The Day will come when Christ will correct all these points of issue, and we will all be surprised as to how wrong we all are. I also feel since we are living in the age of apostasy that we can not be held completely responsible, the book in which we are suppposed to put all our trust in" The Bible" has been tampered with,
Satan has used Gods word to get what He wants, WORSHIP.
Beyond that, we do have the spirit of Gods word and the words of his Son, If we can manage to live within that spirit I think when the time comes to make a final decision we will be able to do it. After all, when we can plainly see the WTBT$ for what it truly is, we had no problems in deciding to leave it. We made a very decisive choice. The correct choice. That made Satan sad, ahhhh no more prayers from us.
So in answer to the topic question, NE, Gojira, and I DO NOT BELIEVE GODS NAME IS JEHOVAH!!!!!!!! the above statement explains why.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)